Noble - NOBLE JOURNAL 2024-06-04T06:19:29-07:00 Noble 2021-01-19T12:27:03-08:00 2021-01-19T12:27:03-08:00 Noble Babe @windypeakvintage Paige Auber More


Meet our first #NobleBabe of the year, Kristi Reed, owner of the Shop Windy Peak Vintage and trained Doula, featuring her two babes Leon (Age 5) & Paloma (Age 3) on their homestead near the mountains in Montana.

What does a typical day look like for you when it comes to tending to land, animals, your family and yourself? Every morning at the break of dawn, my little ones rouse me out of bed. The next step for me is coffee while my husband makes the kiddos breakfast. During the week I see them all off to school and then bundle up to feed the animals. The goats get to run around with the dog and eat their grains in the yard while I tend to the chickens and bunnies. In the summer I water the garden and spend time during chores in the yard and in the winter I gather firewood and turn inside for work. We live very seasonally out here. 

Since living near the mountains in Montana - what have you learned from this type of “slow living”? Was it an adjustment or did it come naturally? After living in cities for years, there were some adjustments to living 'slow' in the country.Conveniently walking to the grocery store or local coffee shop was no longer an option. Things like weed control and snow removal were foreign concepts that we had to learn quickly. Everything else has happened quite organically. Every year our garden gets a little more prosperous as we connect deeper to the land, we become more confident in foraging our forests, baking with our sourdough, etc but there is lots of trial and error along the way.

Any tips you can share with those who want to “slow down” more? Don't try to do it all at once. Small things like taking a pause to make a cup of tea for yourself is a good start to slowing down. Don't be afraid to fail. I don't know how many bread loaves I've burned or tomato plants I've killed. To me, living slow is more about the process, not the end results. 

Tell us more about Windy Peak Vintage and how it came to be? Windy Peak Vintage started as a very small side hustle when I first moved to Montana and was working at a local food bank. When I had my first child I decided to stay at home and focus on motherhood and growing my own business. It has slowly grown into a brick and mortar shop in our little town of Livingston and really is a dream come true for me. 

What inspires you? The drastic seasons and mountainous landscape we are surrounded by will forever move me. 

How has your style changed over the years? It honestly hasn't changed that much. I try to keep my wardrobe pretty minimal and buy second hand as much as possible. I'm good to go with a good pair of jeans, boots, and button down top.

Being a trained Doula is such a unique experience - how has that shaped you and your view of motherhood? Childbirth was a very spiritual experience for me and I feel so grateful to be able to be in that moment with other mothers. Every birth is unique and continues to show me how powerful mothers are. 

This past year required a lot of self-care, what is your favorite way to stay connected with yourself? If I'm feeling down, I just go out and pet the goats. They are good therapy. I've also been taking my tea breaks very seriously. The occasional quiet bath is a real treat too. 

Your favorite way to get cozy in your Noble Waffle Jammies? After a long day, I love nothing more than cozying up by the fire wearing my Waffle Jammies (ideally matching my kiddos) and watching a good movie with the family. 


Follow Kristi here at @windypeakvintage

]]> 2014-12-03T07:15:00-08:00 2020-06-24T22:09:50-07:00 8 TIPS FOR GIVING THOUGHTFULLY Afterpay Payment

If you have ordered or received a gift from georgetownicons you already feel the love of opening up your first "carriage". We wrap EVERY order placed on our site in delicious eco-packaging and finish it off with a handwritten note. We hope a thoughtfully packaged gift inspires the opener to learn where it came from; we want them to learn more about us and love the organic brands we stand for.

This holiday season we encourage you to use this same mindset when you gift. We're willing to bet a thoughtful gift will not only touch the heart of the person you are buying for, but also give you a warm-and-fuzzy feeling. So get out there and embrace gift-giving this holiday season. We offer you a quick cheat sheet of 8 tips to gifting thoughtfully:



If you have ordered or received a gift from georgetownicons you already feel the love of opening up your first "carriage". We wrap EVERY order placed on our site in delicious eco-packaging and finish it off with a handwritten note. We hope a thoughtfully packaged gift inspires the opener to learn where it came from; we want them to learn more about us and love the organic brands we stand for.

This holiday season we encourage you to use this same mindset when you gift. We're willing to bet a thoughtful gift will not only touch the heart of the person you are buying for, but also give you a warm-and-fuzzy feeling. So get out there and embrace gift-giving this holiday season. We offer you a quick cheat sheet of 8 tips to gifting thoughtfully:


It's too mundane. Gifts should be special. Yes, people love money, but they love and appreciate effort and thoughtfulness more.


Pull out a pen and paper, now jot down the people you want to buy gifts for. Put this piece of paper on your bulletin board. Simply jotting down the names of the people you want to buy for will keep them on your mind the next time you shop. Create wish lists on your favorite online shopping sites, pin the items to Pinterest, or bookmark them so buying a thoughtful gift is simple when you are ready. Hint: A financial plus to shopping online early is that you won't have to pay extra for expedited shipping.


Think simple. You don't need to spend a bajillion dollars on your best friend Abby. Abby would be just as happy with an item that tells a story that costs you next to nothing. Stop thinking about 5 gifts and just think about one super sweet, thoughtful and simple gift. 


Time these days is precious. The mere fact that you spent your valuable time to knit a scarf or frame a photo is priceless.


And experiences keep giving. Think of an experience your friend or family member might never have had, were it not for your gift. Trust us, they'll talk about it for years to come. Hint: Try to think of something you can share in too, so you become part of the experience.


We can-not stress this tip more. Whether it be tiny socks, a gift card, or a giant gnome, think of a creative way to wrap your gift. Hint: check out our Pinterest board for inspiration. 


This is the cherry on top of a perfect gift. Keep it simple, genuine, and divine. This is your chance to pull the heart strings. Take it!



Everyone loves a surprise gift. If you're giving for an expected holiday, maybe include a gift within a gift. We sometimes slip a surprise gift into our georgetownicons packages--for some reason, the sneak-in makes the surprise that much more fun.

Want to learn more about how we gift? Click here to watch our 10 second animation. 

]]> 2014-09-03T06:00:00-07:00 2020-06-24T22:05:02-07:00 The Birth of georgetownicons by Jen Hartford Afterpay Payment

Dear Friends + Family,

I would like to change the world, I believe everyone wants to, but in February 2012 I thought of an idea how.



Dear Friends + Family,

I would like to change the world. I believe everyone wants to, but in February 2012 I thought of an idea of how. At the time I was working as a senior designer at one of the top boutique ad agencies in San Francisco. I loved my job, I loved everything about design, but for the first time in my life I found myself going to work everyday thinking about georgetownicons. After a year I couldn't shake this desire to try and make georgetownicons a reality and I bid farewell to San Francisco to move in with my parents in sunny SoCal where I could work hand in hand with LA factories to create the most sustainable baby clothing this side of the Mississippi. I was shocked and disappointed to find almost every factory told me I was insane to try and sell organic baby clothing. They told me parents want cheap, fast fashion. Now this is a generalization, but it isn't an unfair judgment to make. This is truly the sad reality of our current state of the states here in the US of A. Feeling overwhelmed and discouraged I started to question the ethics behind my decisions to go organic. Like many other brands I felt in order to be a successful + profitable company I had to make a choice: I either produce the clothing in the USA or I produce organic clothing, but not both.

As I began to research both to find out which one mattered to me more I stumbled upon hundreds of people dedicated to this eco-fashion movement. I could feel the energy pulsing from my computer and I could not ignore the realities of non organic fibers. Now lets be clear, I love fashion and before I knew about how harmful non sustainable clothing is for you and for the environment I did not care, but now I had seen it and now I could not un-see it. I saw videos, read books, articles, blogs about sustainable fashion and I couldn't believe the world didn't know. And I certainly couldn't morally create clothing that would do that much harm to the world, much less a small child.

This is why today, 9/3/2014 I am launching georgetownicons. Because the world of fast fashion is in need of change and I believe I can help if I start from the birth of a child. georgetownicons will begin as an online shop for the best and most ethical organic baby clothing I have found in this world and with each day it will strive to be more sustainable for you, for your growing baby, and for our future. Thank you friends and family for your love, support and belief in me over this crazy transition in my life. I hope georgetownicons will make you proud! Have a look at
