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Article: Noble Babe: Karla Quiz

Noble Babe: Karla Quiz

Noble Babe: Karla Quiz

Karla QuizPhotographed by Sabrina Bot 

When it comes to raising strong, confident, and kind girls, Karla Quiz is the mother who comes to mind. Karla is the founder of James Fox Co, a chic line of hospital approved gowns. She has a heart of gold and it radiates through her adorable two girls, France Fox, 5, and Fair James, 3. We caught up with the Quiz family at her bohemian inspired bay area abode for a dance party and peek into their day-to-day. Be prepared to be inspired to turn up the music and dance with your littles after this interview.

(Fair wearing the Pinafore Dress in Nearly Black & Goat Milk Striped Thermal Top)

1. What does healthy living mean to you? How did your view of healthy living change, if at all, after becoming a mother?

Healthy living is more than eating healthy and being physically active. Being healthy means living life to it's fullest and making sure your values match your lifestyle. After becoming a mother they opened up my eyes to being more conscious. I realized that I’m the one they look up to and being healthy needed to be a priority for us all!

(Vignette in the Quiz home of the Wovenplay Bathing Suit & matching Jess Brown Doll in Seafoam )

2. The design of your home is absolutely stunning, especially the girls' chic little space. Can you describe your design style and your approach to designing the girls' room? How do you choose the items that fill the girls' space?

Thank you! I would best describe it as playful + boho chic. I first started designing the space after choosing the wallpaper. We love color in our home and I try to not take design too seriously. I ultimately want the girls to feel they can play and let their imaginations go. Most of the items are things that reflect what the girls love. My mom bought France a donut-shaped piggy bank because it’s her most favorite treat. Fair has a giant stuffed dog that she uses as a pillow.

(Fair wearing the Wovenplay Lola Swimsuit in Seafoam & France in Hot Pink)

3. You mentioned that you were focused on eating healthier this year. Has this translated to the girls' meals as well? What do they eat in a typical day? Any go-to easy & healthy snacks?

At the beginning of the year I had a huge aha moment. I have always given my girls the best foods but I was not doing the same for myself. I felt tired and sluggish most of the time. I knew I needed to make a change because they look at me and if I’m not making myself a priority, I’m not being the best for myself or them. It begins with me.

Here is the Quiz girls’ favorite “menu”:

Breakfast: They like GF pancakes, berries and yogurt. I like to make a large batch on Saturday and freeze them so it’s easier in the mornings. The girls love it when I add apple slices and a little cinnamon in the mix.

AM snack: Smoothie (coconut milk, spinach, strawberries, and yogurt)

Lunch: Hummus and avocado sandwich with carrots and fruit

PM snack: Applesauce

Dinner: I think I make a killer pizza with Trader Joe’s help. They sell this amazing pizza dough and I add veggies and cheese for the toppings.

(France wearing the Wovenplay Swimsuit in Hot Pink)

4. Your oldest, France, received a character award for being compassionate. I’m sure, as her mama, this made your heart melt. Do you have any advice on how to raise compassionate little beings?

I’m so proud of her! We talk about our feelings and how important it is to be aware that everyone else around us has them too. We do the best we can at being her example. If she sees a homeless person and wants to talk to them, we will stop and greet them like anyone else. I believe it’s how we respond to moments like these that our kids notice. I would love to take full credit for this, but since she was a baby, France has always expressed compassion. Being compassionate is who she is.

(Fair wearing the Wovenplay Lola Swimsuit in Seafoam )

5. Describe your dream day with the girls in the Bay Area. (Any favorite spots, food, or activities?)

We love the giant slides and play structure at Dolores Park in the city! After playing, we would have a nice picnic on the lawn and walk over to the Bi-Rite Creamery. Being outside is what we all love most.

6. It seems your family loves to travel. What has been your favorite place to travel with the kids and why?

We really do! I feel like having them travel with us has helped them develop. They get to explore and ask questions about everything new they see. It takes them out of routine and they learn to become flexible. We visit Tulum about two times a year and it’s a special place for us. Jason and I got married there and it feels like our home away from home.

karla quiz

7. You are the founder of James Fox Co. Can you tell us more about why you founded James Fox Co. and how you give back to other mothers in need with each purchase?

JFCo. was birthed from my own desire and need during such a beautiful yet delicate time. Both of my deliveries were tough and I had to walk back and forth from my room to the NICU wearing two gowns. One was on the front and the other on my back so I wasn't exposed. After the birth of Fair I knew I needed to design something for all mothers so they had an alternative.

The “Mama Kit” is designed to help women in Uganda deliver their babies safely. Having this kit means that mother and baby’s risk of infection and other complications during labor and delivery are greatly reduced. Ugandan women going into labor are required to bring the “Mama kit” with them before they can even be seen by a physician. Without it, they are not allowed to deliver safely in a hospital.

The kit costs less than 20,000 Ugandan Schillings (UGX) ($10 EUR) but for many Ugandan women, this is simply out of reach. We believe that every mother should have the opportunity to bring her child into this world safely. Because of this, James Fox Co. is partnering with the GEM Foundation in Kampala, Uganda to help purchase and distribute the “Maama Kits” to mothers in need. They are our hands and feet in this beautiful project.

8. How have you been able to juggle running James Fox Co. and raising your two littles? Any tips?

It’s so much juggling!! I like to make a list for the week on Sunday of all the things I need to prioritize. Also, it’s a lot of late nights! One day I hope to have an office/studio outside of our home but for now, I’m doing my best while keeping my family top priority. I have also learned to ask for help! I don’t have to do it all and everything can’t always be perfect.

(Fair wearing the Pinafore Dress in Nearly Black & Zoe the Fancy Rabbit by Hazel Village )

9. Do you have a wellness routine? How do you unwind after a hard day of work and parenting?

In the AM, before my coffee, I drink hot apple cider vinegar and my breakfast is typically a smoothie. It gives me energy and I feel ready for a workout. I’m drinking a lot of water these days and I add Grapefruit essential oil in and it tastes amazing. By the end of the day I’m exhausted so recently I started taking baths! I never did that as a kid (probably two in my life) but my husband and the kids set one up for me recently. HA! He put Epsom salt inside the bath and I can’t tell you how relaxing that was. The girls put their step stool next to it and gave me water and a magazine. They think it’s funny that I never took baths and I’m just milking all the extra attention from it!

10. How would you describe how you dress the girls? What are a few of your favorites pieces from georgetownicons right now and why?

Hmmm not sure what I would call it! We like to have fun that’s for sure. I love quality clothing that lasts and fits their personality as well as their little bodies.


It’s hard to choose favorites!





Shop Karla's favorites here > 

You can follow along with Karla's motherhood journey on her instagram feed.



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