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photographed by Maria Del Rio

Our next Noble Babe is Angela Tafoya, the San Francisco based editor of Refinery29 and new mom to Tallulah(AKA “Tallie”). As the editor for one of the largest fashion and style websites in the US it is pretty much Angela’s job to care what she wears. Her inspired approach to shopping is contagious and so we just had to share it with you all.

Take a peek inside Angela’s plant-filled SF crib below and be inspired by how this working mama does her best to make healthy living and shopping local a priority in her day-to-day life.

1. Tell us a little bit about what you do and why you do it?

I currently work for Refinery29 as the west coast lifestyle editor. I edit and produce content for our Living vertical, specializing in home and travel and weddings. It’s really fun working on subjects ranging from real weddings to home tours to market roundups. It keeps my day really diverse. But, what I love most about my job, is the storytelling element. It’s so rewarding to share inspiring stories and subjects that I’m excited about, with our readers. I’ve been with the company for about four years now, and got my start working with local content and worked as the S.F. editor for about three years. It allowed me to really meet amazing individuals, inspiring brands, and great friends in the Bay Area community. While my role throughout has changed, the innate drive for sharing compelling stories has remained the same.

2. What does healthy living mean to you?

It really extends to so much more than just what’s on our plates. To me healthy living is striking a balance between work and life, moving my body regularly (even if it’s just a crisp walk around the block), and of course — while it’s pretty rare for me these days — a good night’s rest. I also find that taking time to do things to ease my mind is crucial. I try to make it to a yoga class when I can or meditate for a few minutes each day. While attaining all of these at the same time can be tough — especially while being a new mom — I try to do my best. I think the goal or aspiration of attaining the above is what matters the most, it doesn't mean you always win, but if you try, hey, that’s something. I’m always working toward being the best version of myself — day by day.

3. How has living in San Francisco influenced your view on fashion and the brands you choose to support?

Well, if there’s one thing living S.F. has taught be about fashion is that comfort is very important — especially when you have to keep things like microclimates and hills in mind. But, beyond just dressing for the weather, it’s taught me to dive deeper when it comes to how I shop. I think supporting local artisans is an ethos that really rings true here, and influences shopping decisions. I feel so much more excited about a product when I know the backstory (and even the people!) who made it.

4. Your daily uniform? Tallie’s?

My daily uniform is definitely comfy flats (I live in flats these days) with a jumpsuit. Bam — instant outfit. Haha I live in jumpsuits. So does Tallie!

5. You are always on the move from one fabulous event to the next and it seems like you are able to bring Tallie with you. What are your top 5 baby essentials?

Haha, I try! I definitely don’t make it out as much as I used to. But, our top five baby essentials — definitely our Stokke stroller (it’s great to have her so high up near us!), Sophie the giraffe toy (Tallie is obsessed), a portable changing pad for on the go diaper changes, also BabyConnect app is a must, and of course, her hats for those chilly days.

6. What are some of your favorite pieces from georgetownicons right now?

My heart melted when I saw the gorgeous Oeuf romper and bunny ears hat. I also love the Hazel Village dolls, Tallie loves her Louise doll. And, of course, anything Mini Rodini. I am so into all of their fun, artsy prints.

7. You work from home. How are you able to juggle work and motherhood? Any suggestions?

I’m totally still trying to figure this one out. Honestly, I don’t know that I really ever will say, okay, yeah I got it — especially since as Tallie grows her needs are going to be different. But, I think the biggest thing for me is, when I am with her, I’m with her. Being present was an intention I knew wanted to set, even before she arrived, so that’s really big for me. Especially since work-life separation really didn’t exist for me before. I am fully engaged and aware when we are together — no emails, no Instagram. It’s hard, but I know the payoff is worth it. As far as actually getting things done, I basically work as much as I can while she’s at her nanny share! Juggling the two is definitely not a breeze, but being organized helps. I try to do as much as I can the night before to prep my day for both work and baby (washing bottles, getting her outfit together, bath etc.)

8. Any advice for a mom who is trying to live a healthy and stylish life on a budget?

Oh man, that’s a tough one and am currently in the thick of trying to figure that out myself. I love taking walks around my neighborhood (which is a cheap form of light exercise). I kind of knock two birds out with this, because I’ll often walk Tallie to the market and pick up something for dinner, so I get some movement, produce, and it clears my mind. Triple whammy. I take advantage of my local markets. The produce is so much cheaper and it’s so easy to swing by the store on a walk. Plus, I really like to support my local bodegas.

9. How has your workout or health plan changed or not changed since having Tallie?

Well, now my workouts are all Tallie integrated. Ha! I was pretty hardcore into working out right before I had her (and even during my pregnancy). I am still very much into fitness, but it’s at a different pace these days. I realized, while yes pushing yourself is great, you don’t always have to go so hard. I think I was pushing myself so hard, that if I didn’t have a certain amount of workouts a week or if they weren’t intense enough, I felt like I failed. But, now I look at fitness from a new perspective. Moving my body in a mellow yoga class or walking Tallie around the city is just as fun for me. Plus, we get to enjoy time together while doing it.

10. What do you and your family of 5(can’t forget the pups) love to do together to relax?

We’re all about the park life. We are lucky enough to live in city where we have five parks within stone’s throw. It’s the best.

11. What has been your favorite part about motherhood so far?

EVERYTHING! It’s honestly changed my life in ways I didn’t even know possible. Even the most challenging parts of it  (in retrospect) are amazing. I love every moment, every laugh, every look, every snuggle. It just makes you really cherish life in new ways. It’s truly the best thing ever.

Shop Angela + Tallie's looks above here >

1 comment

What a great article!! Thanks for this. I love that Angela has lightened some of the pressure she usually puts on herself as a result of being a new mom. I found that to be hard at first but it is so important! You don’t want to miss out on all the fleeting moments because you’re trying to keep everything up to the same levels as they were before the baby. Love the pics and beautiful outfits too!

Leah Bieltvedt

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